Thought for the day:

A friend is a brother who was once a bother. ~Author Unknown

Thursday, March 1, 2012

In to everything

The twins notice everything. They notice if Charlie leaves the bathroom door open. They notice if there is a drink a little too close to the edge of the counter. They notice if the gate didn't close to the laundry room. They notice if Charlie does something he isn't supposed to do, even if it is only once, and even if he gets in trouble for it. They notice that it looks like fun and they should try it too!

They also notice when Henry needs a pacifier. They notice when Charlie needs Turtle. They notice when Momma has had a bad day and needs a good laugh. They notice when daddy needs a helping hand. They notice when the other doesn't have his drink, his pacifier, his blanket and respond in a rapid fashion.
I grow prouder of my family every day!

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