Thought for the day:

A friend is a brother who was once a bother. ~Author Unknown

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Are ya'll ready for a nap yet?

So this morning I took William to the doctor for really bad diaper rash which I was suspecting was actually a bacterial rash run amuck. I was right. But no relief ... doctor's orders to just keep doing what I have been doing. I pick up a ball for Will at the drugstore. So then I get home, make lunch, clean up lunch. The kids get into a fight about the ball cause Charlie won't share and instead is trying to knock them over by hurling it at their chubby little bellies and justifies his actions by saying "I'm just teaching them how to throw." So I take away the ball and decide it is lunch time.
Today will be corn dogs and watermelon. I give the twins the corn dog on the stick just to see what they do with it. Well, they proceeded to sword fight with them. So when I take it off the stick neither one of them has any interest in eating it now. So watermelon and crackers it is. Add a chocolate covered cream puff as a special treat for desert and it's a royal disaster.
After cleaning up the highchair, the wall, the floor, and stripping their clothes off, it is now time to get Henry ready to go to the Health Department to get his 2 months shots. He gets three and he cries and cries. So naturally I want to cry too.
I get back home just in time to hear Richard waking up from his nap. Josh says "you're just in time."
Charlie has turned into Ichabod Crane and isn't going to wake up from his nap any time soon.
I think that I will send an invoice for some free-lance work that I've done so that I can get some money in the bank.  I open up Pandora on my smartphone and let it play to entertain the twins. Richard is walking around with it like we used to walk around with our boomboxes.
But wait I smell something stinky. It's Will and in order to give his butt a break, I think that I will just dip him into the bath tub. So I open the bathroom door and reach to turn on the water. Never noticing that the soothing melody of a Jack Johnson song was following me step for step.
"Kerplunk." Now Jack Johnson's voice was a mumbled tune from my toilet. "Oh no .... Riiiichard!"
Amazingly enough I didn't shout out any expletives as I tossed Will back out in the hall and grabbed my sinking phone. Jack Johnson was still singing. I tried to turn the stupid thing off but the menu wouldn't pop up so I had to rip it apart and jerk out the battery all the time listening to Jack Johnson sing what I think was Better Together. Success finally. So I wiped it off and handed it off to my husband and asked him to make it better.
Now back to Will's butt. As I'm walking back to the hall the twins have retreated to their room. And all I hear next is a big ol' smack against the hardwood as Will does a slip-n-slide move across his floor. Apparently Richard had confiscated my Lemon Slush from Sonic as I was dealing with the phone catastrophe and had now dumped it in the middle of his floor. They both grabbed up lemons popped them in their mouths and took off running like little imps.
Charlie was still sleeping, thank God for the little things right?

Friday, August 26, 2011

Too big for your britches (or at least the bouncy seat)

Every single one of my children suffer from the same syndrome. You always want what the other one has. I guess it's human nature, but it drives me crazy. William never liked the bouncy seat. Now that he is 10 pounds too heavy for the infant device, he makes it his personal rocking chair. Since the twins came along Charlie is more interested in playing with their baby toys than he is playing with his superheroes, cars, train table etc. Not to mention that even when their pacifiers are strapped to their shirts, Richard and William take turns plucking the others pacifier out of their mouths and trying it out just for giggles, or more like squalling, loud wailing that has become the soundtrack to my life. 
Richard walks around and for no apparent reason throws his head back and lets out a whaaaaaa all the time. He gets his feelings hurt easily apparently, and he has always had issues with people getting in his space. When Charlie walks into the room Richard usually freaks out in fear that the toy he is holding on to for dear life will be snatched away by the rambunctious Charlie. There is a 50 50 chance that Charlie will in fact steal away Richard's treasure because Richard usually treasures Charlie's toys. 
Richard and William could sword fight at 10 months. They can randomly control the dvd player, a radio, my computer and the tv at any given time. They usually don't get the desired results but they get the general idea. It's always funny when Richard changes the channel and the white noise runs all the kids out of the room. The white noise is sometimes soothing if it means for just a few minutes the squabbling ceases. I guess brothers will be brothers. 

William and the bouncy seat

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Smart phones

I have to admit that I am addicted to my smart phone. Managing my time has never been easier. Calendar, updates while waiting at the doctor's office, email in seconds. I love it! I was taking Charlie to school this morning and the radio discussion of the morning was "the only thing better than a smart phone is..." Well, some people said nothing is better, some said a brain. I would say my kids. There is no better source for entertainment, laughter, love, time consuming, hug giving, mess making, precious little moments than my four boys. So sometimes I let Charlie use my smartphone :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome to chaos

I am above all things a mother to four wonderful boys. They are Charlie, my little helper who turned four in April; Richard and William, my twin daredevils who turned one in April; and Henry who we welcomed into the family this June. I spend a lot of time doing damage control and learning what needs to be baby proofed next but when I'm not chasing around human cyclones, I love to sew, make jewelry and write. I'm also a free-lance graphic designer and love designing everything from logos to business cards and even full catalogs. I've never been one to think inside the box and I love filling my life with creative things. When life gets busy I've found that it's important to laugh and laugh a lot, especially at the little things. So this is what I plan on sharing with everyone... the little things that make you smile and the little things that make you appreciate what we all go through when it comes to raising kids and keeping our sanity. So enjoy!