Thought for the day:

A friend is a brother who was once a bother. ~Author Unknown

Friday, August 26, 2011

Too big for your britches (or at least the bouncy seat)

Every single one of my children suffer from the same syndrome. You always want what the other one has. I guess it's human nature, but it drives me crazy. William never liked the bouncy seat. Now that he is 10 pounds too heavy for the infant device, he makes it his personal rocking chair. Since the twins came along Charlie is more interested in playing with their baby toys than he is playing with his superheroes, cars, train table etc. Not to mention that even when their pacifiers are strapped to their shirts, Richard and William take turns plucking the others pacifier out of their mouths and trying it out just for giggles, or more like squalling, loud wailing that has become the soundtrack to my life. 
Richard walks around and for no apparent reason throws his head back and lets out a whaaaaaa all the time. He gets his feelings hurt easily apparently, and he has always had issues with people getting in his space. When Charlie walks into the room Richard usually freaks out in fear that the toy he is holding on to for dear life will be snatched away by the rambunctious Charlie. There is a 50 50 chance that Charlie will in fact steal away Richard's treasure because Richard usually treasures Charlie's toys. 
Richard and William could sword fight at 10 months. They can randomly control the dvd player, a radio, my computer and the tv at any given time. They usually don't get the desired results but they get the general idea. It's always funny when Richard changes the channel and the white noise runs all the kids out of the room. The white noise is sometimes soothing if it means for just a few minutes the squabbling ceases. I guess brothers will be brothers. 

William and the bouncy seat

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